Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Description of each Solaris service using svcs

Read the svcs manpage for troubleshooting tips, but here's a nice one to list the description of what each service does: 

# svcs -o FMRI,DESC
lrc:/etc/rcS_d/S29wrsmcfg -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S00set-tmp-permissions -
lrc:/etc/rc2_d/S07set-tmp-permissions -
svc:/system/webconsole:console java web console
svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default multi-user plus exports milestone
svc:/system/zones:default Zones autoboot and graceful shutdown
svc:/system/basicreg:default -

[Note that the rc scripts don't have a description]

Solaris upgrade / install logs

After performing an upgrade or installation of Solaris 10 you should review the logfiles.

Once the system has been rebooted and is running, the complete transcript of the upgrade and all messages printed to the screen are saved in the file:


Also of note is the file:


It contains a list of actions that may need to be performed to complete the upgrade.